Daughterboard Input Impediance

Hi everyone,

What is the input impedance for the TVRX and DBSRX daughterboards?

tuners used on the boards have 75Ω inputs according to the tuners’
datasheets. Are the board inputs also 75Ω, or has something been done
to convert them to 50Ω inputs?



Thomas wrote:

Hi everyone,

What is the input impedance for the TVRX and DBSRX daughterboards?

The tuners used on the boards have 75Ù inputs according to the tuners’
datasheets. Are the board inputs also 75Ù, or has something been done
to convert them to 50Ù inputs?

The TVRX is really 75 ohms, but putting in 50 ohms is not a problem.
The DBSRX tuner chip is 75 ohms, but we have a 50 ohm input impedance
because of the LNA ahead of it.
