Sorry for posting a beginner question here, but it seems like
is missing documentation on
So, the question is, why does this code not work? (I’m using
irb(main):001:0> require ‘date’
=> true
irb(main):002:0> myd = DateTime.strptime(“1166049481”, ‘%s’)
ArgumentError: 3 elements of civil date are necessary
from lib/ruby/1.8/date.rb:1214:in new_with_hash' from lib/ruby/1.8/date.rb:1238:in
from (irb):2
I was able to make this work: Date::strptime(“1/1/1970”, ‘%d/%m/%Y’) so
pretty sure I don’t have a syntax error.
Thanks for any help.
Thanks Morton. I did read date/format.rb and in 1.8.4 (what I’m
running) it
supports the %s format which I believe is supposed to represent the
of seconds since 1/1/1970. The number I’m passing in represents the
of seconds since 1/1/1970.
On Dec 13, 2006, at 7:03 PM, Matt G. wrote:
ArgumentError: 3 elements of civil date are necessary
from lib/ruby/1.8/date.rb:1214:in new_with_hash' from lib/ruby/1.8/date.rb:1238:in
from (irb):2
I was able to make this work: Date::strptime(“1/1/1970”, ‘%d/%m/%
Y’) so I’m
pretty sure I don’t have a syntax error.
DateTime.strptime simply can’t handle “1166049481” as an argument. It
wants something that looks like a date/time stamp that a human might
be able to read. Unfortunately, as you point out, exactly what it
wants isn’t documented. You’re expected to read date/format.rb, which
IMO isn’t easy decipher.
BTW, even if your first argument were acceptable, I think your second
would be ignored – at least in 1.8.2, which is what I’m running, %s
has no effect.
Thanks for any help.
Not much help, I’m afraid, but you did ask for “any help”
Regards, Morton
On 12/14/06, Matt G. [email protected] wrote:
Thanks Morton. I did read date/format.rb and in 1.8.4 (what I’m running) it
supports the %s format which I believe is supposed to represent the number
of seconds since 1/1/1970. The number I’m passing in represents the number
of seconds since 1/1/1970.
It looks like a bug in date/format.rb to me. It also works as you
expect in 1.9. Try this patch:
— format.rb.orig 2006-12-14 17:48:54.000000000 +1100
+++ format.rb 2006-12-15 13:35:23.000000000 +1100
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
format.rb: Written by Tadayoshi F. 1999-2005
$Id: format.rb,v 2.15 2005-02-06 13:28:48+09 tadf Exp $
+require ‘time’
require ‘rational’
class Date
@@ -138,8 +139,14 @@
elem[:sec] = val
when ‘%s’
return unless str.sub!(/\A(\d+)/o, ‘’)
val = $1.to_i
elem[:seconds] = val