Date validation fails for all September dates in Spanish

Here’s how I’ve got my dates set up:


Use the strftime parameters for formats.

When no format has been given, it uses default.

You can provide other formats here if you like!

default: “%d-%m-%Y”
short: “%b %d”
long: “%B %d, %Y”

day_names: [Domingo, Lunes, Martes, Miércoles, Jueves, Viernes, Sábado]
abbr_day_names: [Dom, Lun, Mar, Mie, Jue, Vie, Sab]

Don’t forget the nil at the beginning; there’s no such thing as a 0th

month_names: [~, Enero, Febrero, Marzo, Abril, Mayo, Junio, Julio,
Agosto, Septiembre, Octubre, Noviembre, Diciembre]
abbr_month_names: [~, Ene, Feb, Mar, Abr, May, Jun, Jul, Ago, Sep, Oct,
Nov, Dic]

Used in date_select and datime_select.

order: [ :día, :mes, :día]

If I enter any September date, such as Septiembre 10, 1991, then I get a
validation error like this: Se produjeron problemas con los campos

• Fecha de nacimiento is not a valid date

I know, I’ve got some work to do on the validation message. But the
bigger question is… why is the validation failing? Is anyone else
seeing this?


Dave C.
Senior Developer
Collaborative Software Initiative
[email protected]

On Fri, Apr 2, 2010 at 21:55, Dave C. [email protected]

If I enter any September date, such as Septiembre 10, 1991, then I get a
validation error

You enter it through a date_select, right, not by typing the string in
a text_field? Rails doesn’t support the latter, to my knowledge.

We use a jquery UI datepicker.

Here’s what’s really weird about this. If I type in the date in the
mm/dd/yyyy format like this: 9/10/1991, then it works and after saving
is displayed as Septiembre 10, 1991. If I don’t change anything and try
to save it, I get the validation error. For some reason, this only
happens on September dates.

Dave C.
Senior Developer
Collaborative Software Initiative
[email protected]

----- Original Message -----
From: “Henrik N.” [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Sent: Saturday, April 3, 2010 3:21:27 AM
Subject: Re: [rails-i18n] Date validation fails for all September dates
in Spanish

On Fri, Apr 2, 2010 at 21:55, Dave C. [email protected]

If I enter any September date, such as Septiembre 10, 1991, then I get a
validation error

You enter it through a date_select, right, not by typing the string in
a text_field? Rails doesn’t support the latter, to my knowledge.

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