Date precedence validation (ex. Round Trip travel dates)

I’m trying to validate 2 dates that were provided by the user using a
that wraps a model.

I want to do the following 2 validations in the model:
**** validate the date format => That I know how to do!
**** if the format validation was a success, then ensure that date1 is
smaller or equal than date2 => That’s I do not know

I’ve spend, in vain, more than 2 hours to find a solution in order to
** 1 ** How to trigger a second validation only if the first one was
an success?
** 2 ** How to compare to dates using the macros in ActiveRecord?

Any ideas?
Kind regards

2009/8/27 Axinte L. [email protected]:

an success?
Not sure about this, you may have to provide your own validate method
in the model rather than use the built in ones (or as well as)

** 2 ** How to compare to dates using the macros in ActiveRecord?

Assuming they are ruby Dates or Times or DateTimes just compare them
using <= or whatever.


Why not convert each date to Ruby Time objects and compare those?


Any ideas?
Kind regards

validates_date_time plug in may help…