Date - how many days until

Given a date I need to find out how many days until that date. for
example if I am given march 29 and today is march 27 how would I return
2 days?

I need to verify this in the controller and distance_of_time_in_words
doesn’t work

Given a date I need to find out how many days until that date. for
example if I am given march 29 and today is march 27 how would I return
2 days?

x = 3.days.from_now
=> Sun Mar 30 20:55:40 -0700 2008

y =
=> Thu Mar 27 20:55:45 -0700 2008

(x - y) / 86400
=> 2.99994818523148

x = 3.days.from_now.to_date
=> #<Date: 4909111/2,0,2299161>

y =
=> #<Date: 4909105/2,0,2299161>

(x - y).to_i
=> 3


Philip H. wrote:

Given a date I need to find out how many days until that date. for
example if I am given march 29 and today is march 27 how would I return
2 days?

How about:
Date.tomorrow -

Or:, 4, 1) -