Date Format

Now i facing the date format in my
database. I am using mysql as my database then the datetime format is
2008-06-04 15:17:55. But my datetime format is like this Fri May 23
16:43:28 +0800 2008. So when i execute it say incorrect datetime value.
how do i change the date_format or should i change the datatype to
string instead.

Actually i generate a scaffold in rails like these:

ruby script/generate scaffold MSISDN:string datetime:datetime

and after that i rake the migrate folder and it generate a schema.rb.

Now how do i change the schema.rb attribute.



Emmie W. wrote:

Now i facing the date format in my
database. I am using mysql as my database then the datetime format is
2008-06-04 15:17:55. But my datetime format is like this Fri May 23
16:43:28 +0800 2008. So when i execute it say incorrect datetime value.
how do i change the date_format or should i change the datatype to
string instead.

If you store date, the DateTime is the right format. Changing iit to
string isn’t a good idea.

temp = DateTime.parse(“Fri May 23 16:43:28 +0800 2008”)
should give you a valid DateTime object which you can assign to your db

Now how do i change the schema.rb attribute.

You don’t make changes in schema. If yo want to change something in your
db, just write another migration

Thanks a lot. But is there another way not to hard code
temp = DateTime.parse(“Fri May 23 16:43:28 +0800 2008”) as I am
retrieving emails in rails so the datetime will always change. is it a
way to format it to same as the internet email format. Thanks


say your date is in any variable like @email_date_time
then you can do

I did not save in any variable as the datetime is i retrieved from
internet email and save it into a text file. So there isn’t any variable
assign to it. That why i do not what to do about changing the format of
the datetime. Hope there is someone who know it. Thanks
