Database.yml and remote mysql database

I can’t seem to connect to a remote database. Here is what I’ve tried.
the database,username,password, and host have been changed to protect
the innocent.

adapter: mysql
database: database
username: username
password: password
host: host
port: 3306

Here is the error
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/yaml.rb:133:in load': syntax error on line 11, col 2: password: password’ (ArgumentError)

I’ve checked to make sure that the username,password,database, and host
are correct. Can anyone help?

charlie bowman wrote:

port: 3306

Here is the error
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/yaml.rb:133:in load': syntax error on line 11, col 2: password: password’ (ArgumentError)

I’ve checked to make sure that the username,password,database, and host
are correct. Can anyone help?

First, check the leading space isn’t a tab (caught me out more than
once…), then check there aren’t any yaml-special characters in the
username or the password… Can’t think of any other likely issues
without more info.

charlie bowman <cbowmanschool@…> writes:

I can’t seem to connect to a remote database.


try typing it again in a new file. No tabs, no pasted characters.
Should parse.


Thank you! I use a tab stop of 2 to seperate the values from the keys
and that broke the yaml. Is that norman? Can you never use tabs in

Damon C. wrote:

charlie bowman <cbowmanschool@…> writes:

I can’t seem to connect to a remote database.


try typing it again in a new file. No tabs, no pasted characters.
Should parse.



you can try this:

ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(:adapter =>
“mysql”, :host => “”, :port => 1234, :database
=> “dbName”, :username => “user”, :password => “pwd”)

hope this will help


— charlie bowman [email protected] wrote:

password: password
are correct. Can anyone help?

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charlie bowman wrote:

Thank you! I use a tab stop of 2 to seperate the values from the keys
and that broke the yaml. Is that norman? Can you never use tabs in
Never. Check YAML Ain't Markup Language :slight_smile:

Any decent text editor should give you the option to convert tabs to
spaces. Use it! Tab characters are interpreted differently than
spaces, so
it will cause Rails to barf on your YAML if you include tabs.
