Hi, i’m migrating a web application from .NET (ASP+SQL Server) to
Rails and MySQL, but i’m still learning how to access SQL Server
I’m writing a simple program using ActiveRecort (Stand Alone) to get
the data from SQL Server and insert it into the new database, but i
still couldn’t figure how to list SQL Server tables, here follows the
actual code:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require ‘rubygems’
require_gem ‘activerecord’
:adapter => “sqlserver”,
:host => “”,
:username => “sa”,
:password => “***”,
:database => “jornaldedebates”
class Artigo < ActiveRecord::Base
set_table_name “Artigo”
artigo.find(:all).each {|artigo|
puts artigo
The SQL Server database “jornaldedebates” have an table called
“dbo.artigos”, i still couldn’t get it, any ideas?