Database Library to use


I’ve been using ruby-dbi to connect to db but it seems that the last
update on the code was many months ago so I was thinking about start
using other libraries.

Right now I need to connect Oracle and MySql external databases.

Any recommendation?


Mario R. wrote in post #1023780:

I’ve been using ruby-dbi to connect to db but it seems that the last
update on the code was many months ago so I was thinking about start
using other libraries.

Right now I need to connect Oracle and MySql external databases.

Any recommendation?

Use one of the higher-level ORM libraries: ActiveRecord, Sequel and
DataMapper are the most popular, whichever suits your taste.

They should allow you to drop down to raw SQL should you need to, and
they have their own adapters to talk to the low-level database libraries
(e.g. ruby-oci8 and ruby-mysql/mysql-ruby). Some of them are plugins,
e.g. for ActiveRecord I think you’ll need activerecord-oracle-adapter
(or possibly activerecord-oracle_advanced-adapter)

