I’m writing my first rails app and following a tutorial to guide me. I
really like what I see until… I get to the part where it tells me I
have to follow a certain naming scheme for my database. Here’s my
- Do I HAVE to use plural table names?
I’ve been designing databases for years. I understand the logic for
wanting to use plural names, but feel that singular names make more
sense and as such have been designing my databases that way for years.
Is there a workaround?
- Do I HAVE to use the id naming standard.
It seems I was taught to name foreign keys with an FK_TableName. Well,
I hate using underscores in column names. Also, the FK is lame. The
naming scheme I use gives each table an primary key named “id”. Any
foreign keys are simply the name of the table which they represent.
(Another reason why I wouldn’t want to use plural names). Is there a
way to implement this in Rails?
- Assuming that there are workarounds for these, are they
stable/feasible or would they be a constant nuisance? Am I better off
to go with the Rails standards?
I appreciate your thoughts.