I had created users using devise in rails. I am storing user mobile
number and land line number for the user profile, by using this code
it is storing the cell and land line numbers in database but after the
sign out it is not stored in the database. please tell me whats wrong
in my code in users.rb
before_save :build_telephone
before_save :build_cell
validates :code, :presence => true, :numericality => true, :length =>
{ :within => 1…2 }, :on => :update
validates :code2, :presence => true, :numericality => true, :length
=> { :within => 2…4 }, :on => :update
validates :number, :presence => true, :numericality => true, :length
=> { :within => 1…7 }, :on => :update
validates :code1, :presence => true, :numericality => true, :length
=> { :within => 1…2 }, :on => :update
validates :number1, :presence => true, :numericality =>
true, :length => {:minimum => 10, :maximum => 10}, :on => :update
attr_accessor :code,:code2, :number, :code1, :number1
attr_accessible :email, :password, :password_confirmation, :mobile,
:landline, :remember_me , :code, :code2, :number, :code1, :number1
def build_cell
self.mobile = “#{self.code1}-#{self.number1}”
def build_telephone
self.landline = "#{self.code}-#{self.code2}-#{self.number}"