Is it possible to use databinding from within IronRuby? In this case, I
want to have a field, @volume on one class, and listen for changes on
another class.
You can’t databind to DLR objects at the moment. You have to define the
properties you want to bind to as strong typed classes.
The IronNails project I mentioned earlier tries to alleviate all of that
What you can do is define one class in C# to which you want to bind from
within your control/window
You can define one property in that C# class something like objects. I
my properties to be from the type ObservableDictionary
public class ViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
public ObservableDictionary<string, object> Objects{
//implement property
//implement class
In IronRuby
public MyWindowViewModel < ViewModel
You can then bind to values in the dictionary something like
vm =
vm.objects[“MyName”] = “The super important text”.to_clr_string
view_proxy.data_context = vm.objects
view_proxy.data_context = vm
You can index into dictionaries and that way you can get around some of
But to bind to properties you need to define those classes in C# at the
moment unfortunately
Hope this helps somewhat
2008/8/15 Sean C. Hess [email protected]