Darcs and vendor/rails on edge

Calling all rails darcs users! We may be in the minority, but I’m
sure we can still share some know how here.

Question: how are you managing your vendor/rails directory?

svn externals seems to be the preferred option for svn folk (at least
this is the approach recommended in the Agile 2 beta). Is there a way
to get the same functionality within darcs? That would seem to be the
ideal solution.

I’ve tried a few things:

Check vendor/rails into darcs

This makes things very easy, but do you really want all those files
in your repository? Especially since with darcs it’s so easy to
branch, and each branch is the entire repository.

Link vendor/rails to a local svn checkout of rails

svn co http://dev.rubyonrails.org/svn/rails/trunk /somewhere/rails
ln -s /somewhere/rails (run in vendor)
This works and means that at least you only need one copy of edge
rails. However symbolic links are not supported by darcs, and you
will have additional issues when deploying with capistrano (or

Please share your solutions or comments on the above.



This makes things very easy, but do you really want all those files in your repository? Especially since with darcs it’s so
easy to branch, and each branch is the entire repository.

does it offer in-place branching or do you need to create another
directory and/or repository?

Link vendor/rails to a local svn checkout of rails

svn co http://dev.rubyonrails.org/svn/rails/trunk /somewhere/rails
ln -s /somewhere/rails (run in vendor)
This works and means that at least you only need one copy of edge rails. However symbolic links are not supported by darcs,
and you will have additional issues when deploying with capistrano (or otherwise).

Please share your solutions or comments on the above.

my solution was to switch to git. heres my .git/info/exclude:

and just symlink in markaby and rails trunk checkouts into vendor. if
darcs doesnt understand symlinks maybe you can just ignore the vendor
directory? does it support something similar to .git/hooks/update? then
you can have it fetch svn-remote stylee…

to deploy, i git push a ‘release’ branch over ssh to the server, and
have a remote hook refresh mongrel_rail’s environment… no swallows