Cycle() not cycling in a partial

Hey All,

I’ve got the below partial rendering each item of a collection to a
table row, with some nice ajax magic for hiding the row if the user
clicks a link. It works very nicely, except for the bit that assigns
the class= attribute to the tr tag. For some reason I can’t figure out,
every row is getting class=“line-even”. Does anybody have an idea why
the cycle() call wouldn’t work here?

For extra weirdness, if I include this html comment line right before
the line w/the opening

tag, it does work.

############### non-cycling partial ########################

<% this_found_project_id = “fp_#{}” %>

<%= %> <%= link_to_function 'add' do |page| page.insert_html :bottom, "roster", :partial => 'tumor_sites/tumor_sites_project', :object => => page.hide this_found_project_id end %>

############### non-cycling partial ########################



Roy P.
Research Analyst/Programmer
Group Health Center For Health Studies (Cancer Research Network)
(206) 287-2078
Google Talk: rpardee

Pardee, Roy wrote:

I’ve got the below partial rendering each item of a collection to a table row, with some nice ajax magic for hiding the row if the user clicks a link. It works very nicely, except for the bit that assigns the class= attribute to the tr tag. For some reason I can’t figure out, every row is getting class=“line-even”. Does anybody have an idea why the cycle() call wouldn’t work here?

You have written a real tongue-twister here; two minor misunderstandings
lead to the cycle() canceling itself out!

For extra weirdness, if I include this html comment line right before the line w/the opening

tag, it does work.

eRB cannot comprehend <!-- (because you could eRB any other language
with its
own comments). Hence, the cycle() runs, and pushes one of those classes
into a
comment! If you viewed the source, or wrote puts @response.body in your
test, you would see them.

That increment’s cycle’s ticker by one.

############### non-cycling partial ########################

<% this_found_project_id = “fp_#{}” %>

<%= %> <%= link_to_function 'add' do |page|

This is not Ajax. The code calculates this partial once, at page render
time. If
that partial calls cycle(), it will increment its tick again. That might
out the last cycle().

Then, all this extra HTML gets shoved into this tag’s onclick
attribute. And
this happens for every in this table. This is just normal
JavaScript, not Ajax.

      page.insert_html :bottom, 
                      :partial => 'tumor_sites/tumor_sites_project', 
                      :object => =>
      page.hide this_found_project_id

Comment the comment out with <%# cycle … %>. Then use
link_to_remote(), not
link_to_function(). It’s only Ajax if the render :update is inside a
controller action.


Dude, you have blown my mind. :wink: That explanation makes perfect
sense–the partial I call in link_to_function there does indeed have an
identical call to cycle (for coloring rows of another table).

I haven’t tried link_to_remote, but giving cycle a :name parameter to
distinguish it from the other cycle call seems to do the trick–e.g.

cycle(‘line-even’, ‘line-odd’, :name => ‘found-rows’)

Many thanks!
