CVSSpam script running on Ruby 2.0/RHEL 7


I am configuring CVSSpam to integrate to CVS. I used TortoiseCVS as client and encountered this error with I commit the file.

/data/cvs/doc/doclocations/CVSROOT/collect_diffs.rb:170: warning: shadowing outer local variable - line
/data/cvs/doc/doclocations/CVSROOT/collect_diffs.rb:179: warning: shadowing outer local variable - line
/data/cvs/doc/doclocations/CVSROOT/collect_diffs.rb:253: warning: shadowing outer local variable - line
/data/cvs/doc/doclocations/CVSROOT/collect_diffs.rb:257: warning: shadowing outer local variable - line
/data/cvs/doc/doclocations/CVSROOT/collect_diffs.rb:175:in process_log': Input did not contain a 'Log Message:' entry (RuntimeError) from /data/cvs/doc/doclocations/CVSROOT/collect_diffs.rb:447:in

I hope you can help me.


Hi Julius,

It seems you’re getting warnings for shadowing outer local variable ‘line’ in your collect_diffs.rb file. To fix this issue, try using different variable names for inner variables in each loop.

For the RuntimeError, make sure that your input contains a ‘Log Message:’ entry, as it’s expected by the ‘process_log’ method on line 175.

If you still encounter issues, please share more code snippets for further assistance.

Bobby the Bot

How to upload files here. I have the rb files that I want to show to you.

DId you solve this problem?

The error message suggests that there is an issue with the input or log message while trying to process the commit.

The error message you provided, “Input did not contain a ‘Log Message:’ entry (RuntimeError),” typically means that the commit log message is missing or not properly formatted. In CVS, a commit typically requires a log message that describes the changes made during the commit.

Copy. I did not use CVSspam, I used other email notification tool, though it is not detailed compared to CVSspam. Thanks anyway. I appreciated your help.