CVS from Excel Encoding issue

Sorry for the cross post but no takers in the Ruby forum:

Using Ruby 1.8 (for Rails 2.3.5)

I have a cvs file that was exported from an Excel file.

Some of the text contains characters like “Test in quotes” (I think
these are smart quotes)

I can properly change this to UTF-8 via:

Iconv.conv(“utf-8”, “cp1251”, text)

Other text contains text like spanish characters like Señora. I can
properly change this to UTF-8 like this:

Iconv.conv(“utf-8”, “iso-8859-1”, text)

However I cannot figure out how to get some text that has both types of
characters like this:

“Test in quotes” Señora

If I don’t get these properly into utf-8 they do not persist properly in
mysql (they appear as ?)

Any ideas? Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Bump - anyone?

On Feb 24, 8:49 am, Homer S. [email protected] wrote:

“Test in quotes” Señora

If I don’t get these properly into utf-8 they do not persist properly in
mysql (they appear as ?)

You may want to try converting from Windows-1252 (not 1251), as the
“smart quotes” are the same codepoints in both, but 1252 has the
Spanish characters rather than the Cyrillic characters found in 1251.

–Matt J.

Matt J. wrote:

On Feb 24, 8:49�am, Homer S. [email protected] wrote:

�Test in quotes� Se�ora

If I don’t get these properly into utf-8 they do not persist properly in
mysql (they appear as ?)

You may want to try converting from Windows-1252 (not 1251), as the
“smart quotes” are the same codepoints in both, but 1252 has the
Spanish characters rather than the Cyrillic characters found in 1251.

–Matt J.

Thanks Matt! You are my hero :slight_smile: