May be already answered in some posts.
Radiant Gem - 0.6.1
Ok - i have 5 different sites using Radiant - with their own database.
Now two customers want to have their own header/stylesheet on the admin
UI -
what’s the best way to customize the admin pages - per radiant projects
Hope it’s clear enough.
I have an extension that I’ve developed for doing just this. I am
waiting to get clearance from my employer to release it under an MIT
license. Let me see if I can push them on this.
You could also directly edit the CSS in the public/stylesheets directory
to fit your needs. If you want to change the actual elements in the
page, you might have to override parts of the templates.
Without good backups (which we all have, right?) an upgrade of
Radiant could clobber some installations when you do rake
radiant:update:*. I think the extension is a little more resilient
since it pushes the customizations out of the way of these scripts
and makes them recoverable after an update. But editing the CSS and
such directly is certainly a simple approach.
While we’re discussing the admin UI, a friend of mine pointed out an
issue (which is now annoying me as well as I upload a hole bunch of
pages by hand). Why is it that if I am three deep in the admin tree
(really anything in any folder), that when I hit save, it closes all
folders again and brings me back to the root level in the admin
area. It would be much nicer, if it would leave the tree open to the
location I was editing last. Usually when using the software, I am
located at location x in the tree, uploading a bunch of pages to that
area. I hate having to click open all of the folders again every
time I need to create a new page.
Sean C. wrote:
You could also directly edit the CSS in the public/stylesheets directory
to fit your needs. If you want to change the actual elements in the
page, you might have to override parts of the templates.
Override - ok. how? As all the pages are shared with the different
radiant projects (sites) in the gem db.