Custom validations - where's the original value

Playing with custom validations (i need to start doing this)

This works…

def validate

 errors.add :date_of_birth, 'is not a valid date' if



Trouble is when the form is re-rendered it’s lost the users original
selection - how do i fix it up?

thinking this through maybe this is the problem

<%= date_select 'enquiry', 'date_of_birth', :order => [:day, :month, :year], :start_year => 1950, :end_year => 2000, :include_blank => true %>

is the include blank the problem (maybe it’s getting blanked on the

bingo bob wrote:

thinking this through maybe this is the problem

<%= date_select 'enquiry', 'date_of_birth', :order => [:day, :month, :year], :start_year => 1950, :end_year => 2000, :include_blank => true %>

is the include blank the problem (maybe it’s getting blanked on the

this looks like the problem to me - but how do i fix it?

I’d like to show a blank on the initial form but not when a validation
fails and the form is shown again (the user should see the original

No, the include_blank is not the problem I think.
date_select automatically selects the value given in

The problem must be somewhere else. Are you sure
@enquiry is not reset? A mistake I used to make is to
redirect from the create to the new action instead
of directly rendering the new template from the create action
when rerendering the form.

anyway, this is just a guess…
I need to see how exactly you are rendering the form.

On Apr 10, 11:31 am, bingo bob [email protected]