Custom Route Required?

I have a model class with the name of MilestoneProgress. The model file
is called milestone_progress.rb. The controller class is called
MilestoneProgressController and is located in

However, when I try to connect to the milestone_progress controller, I
get the following message:

No route matches “/milestone_progress/create” with {:method=>:post}.

Do I need to create a custom route for this controller? Or have I
somehow gotten my conventions all messed up?



You added the mapping to your config/routes.rb right?

Assuming you did that you probably didn’t specify a create action in
your controller. Unfortunately those don’t get auto generated for
you. IMO this is a major drawback to the current resources
implementation. There is however, a very interesting plugin[1] that
will do this for you.




schof wrote:

You added the mapping to your config/routes.rb right?

Hi Sean

No I haven’t yet, as I wasn’t sure if it was required. So, would it be a
good rule of thumb to assume that if I have a “double-barreled”
controller name, I will have to create a custom route for it?

