I want my users to be able to insert links in their profile, but
obviously they can’t use html.
I want to solve this by allowing them to do
[link=“http://theirurl.com”][/link]. Any idea how I would go about
I want my users to be able to insert links in their profile, but
obviously they can’t use html.
I want to solve this by allowing them to do
[link=“http://theirurl.com”][/link]. Any idea how I would go about
I would consider using Textile or Markdown. Take a look at the
RedCloth gem. http://whytheluckystiff.net/ruby/redcloth/
-Dan M.
On Sep 22, 11:12 pm, Kyle M. [email protected]
linker = Regexp.new(/[link="(.?)"](.?)[/link]/)
<%= @user.profile.gsub(linker){|m| “#{m[1]}”} %>
On Sep 23, 12:12 am, Kyle M. [email protected]
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