Custom gem directory: monit doesn't start backgroundrb


Backgroundrb works fine until I tried to monitor it with monit! Here is
a part from the .monitrc file:

check process backgroundrb with pidfile
start program = “/home/user/.packages/bin/ruby
/home/user/domain/script/backgroundrb start”

So, yes I’ve my custom ruby at /home/user/.packages/bin/ruby, but I also
have a custom gem directory (for Rails 2.0.2. and other custom gems) at
/home/user/.gems . Running the start program command from above in the
bash works fine, but “monit start all” gives me this error:

Cannot find gem for Rails ~>
Install the missing gem with ‘gem install -v=2.0.2 rails’, or
change environment.rb to define RAILS_GEM_VERSION with your desired

Why? I already set RAILS_GEM_VERSION and even ENV[‘GEM_PATH’] =

Here are rumors about the environment, but it doesn’t work:

If you have any ideas, your help will be much appreciated.
Thanks, Hawe-