Custom form error messages


What do I have to override in order to be able to have the error message
of each field in front of the input field?

I haven’t been able to find anything similar on google. All I’ve found
is how to override the container around the input field.

ActionView::Base.field_error_proc = { |html_tag, instance|
“<span class=“fieldWithErrors”>#{html_tag}” }

Or in here do we have access of the error message of the current field?


No need to overwrite anything. You can simply access the
hash and display the error if there is one…

<%= f.label(:author) %>
<% if @comment.errors[:author] %>
<%= @comment.errors[:author] =>
<% end %>
<% f.text_field(:author, :size=>20, :maxlength=>250) %>

Tim S. wrote in post #968409:

No need to overwrite anything. You can simply access the
hash and display the error if there is one…

<%= f.label(:author) %>
<% if @comment.errors[:author] %>
<%= @comment.errors[:author] =>
<% end %>
<% f.text_field(:author, :size=>20, :maxlength=>250) %>

Cool! Thanks!

I have a problem with my bogus fields no longer highlighted by

In the railscasts video it works, but not on my app that I am currently
upgrading from 2.x to 3.0. In railscasts Ryan doesn’t have to test
manually if the field has an error.

Anyone run into this issue?

My bad I just realized that they switched from camelCase css naming to

I think Rails 3 introduced too many insignificant changes that are a
pain in the butt to track.