I have to create an interface to allow several users to perform various
tasks over ssh. The users will have different permissions.
I want to create a custom shell/CLI to be set as the users shell when
log in. The interface should have scroll back, command line editing and
history like a normal shell. The commands would be custom commands, i.e.
no relation to system commands.
Is there any library, framework or something to make this easy with
is part of the stdlib. It’s not documented in rdoc, but
more or less trivial to use once you’ve looked at the examples in the
On Wed, 14 Mar 2007, Jesper Andersen wrote:
I have to create an interface to allow several users to perform various
tasks over ssh. The users will have different permissions.
I want to create a custom shell/CLI to be set as the users shell when they
log in. The interface should have scroll back, command line editing and
history like a normal shell. The commands would be custom commands, i.e.
no relation to system commands.
Is there any library, framework or something to make this easy with ruby?
i would customize irb. for example
harp:~ > cat a.rb
def ls g = ‘*’
Dir.glob(g){|entry| puts entry}
def cd d = File.expand_path(’~’)
Dir.chdir d
irb:~ > irb -r ./a.rb
irb(main):001:0> ls ‘skype*’
=> nil
irb(main):002:0> cd ‘/tmp’
=> 0
others have done this extensively - check out the raa