Custom block one input/output variable number of output/inputs

Hello everybody,

In the following case study gr_file_source-> pll_clock_sync->
gr_complex_to_float -> custom_block(1 input, 2outputs) in gnuradio, by
printing the counter of noutput_items of my custom block, I observe that
reaches a multiple of 2 samples then it gets to zero and restarts again.
Overall the number of output samples are the expected ones but why the
counter over the item restarts at some time instants?


Hello everybody,

In the following case study gr_file_source-> pll_clock_sync->
gr_complex_to_float -> custom_block(1 input, 2outputs) in gnuradio, by
printing the counter of noutput_items of my custom block, I observe that
reaches up to a number of samples then it gets to zero and restarts
Overall the number of output samples is the expected ones but why the
counter over the noutput_items restarts at some time instants?


Sklivanitis Georgios
Postgraduate Student

On Wed, Dec 19, 2012 at 5:37 PM, George S. <
[email protected]> wrote:


Sklivanitis Georgios
Postgraduate Student

That’s pretty typical behavior when running full-tilt (that it, when
there’s nothing controlling the rate like a radio, sound card, throttle,
etc.). I could give you some opinions on why I think it behaves this
but they’d probably all be wrong. Most importantly, it’s not a bug in
system, just how the scheduler adapts.
