Current Temperature (#68)

Hello everyone !

Here is my solution, actually it’s my first ruby program, I just
started learning… Suggestions on how to improve my code are
welcome :slight_smile:

This is how it looks when executed, I couldn’t find where to turn
these warnings off :confused:

root@black /# ./weather.rb madrid
ignored element: {}binding
ignored element: {}operation
ignored element: {}urlEncoded
ignored element: {}mimeXml
ignored element: {}content
ignored element: {}address
The temperature in Madrid / Cuatro Vientos is 3 C

require ‘soap/wsdlDriver’
require ‘rexml/document’

URL = ‘

process the comandline arguments

if ARGV[0] == nil
abort(“Usage: weather.rb city”)
city = ARGV.join(’ ')

soap =
weather = soap.GetWeather(:CityName => city, :CountryName => “”)

strip the first line with <? ?> stuff, else REXML wont parse

xml = weather.getWeatherResult.gsub(/(<?.*?>\n)/, ‘’)
data =

celsius degrees are in parentheses

data.elements[“//Temperature”].text[/((.))/]; temp = $1
),/]; loc = $1

show the gathered data

puts "The temperature in " + loc + " is " + temp
puts "Could not find data for your supplied city: " + city

Best regards,

Rudolfs O. [email protected] writes:

Here is my solution, actually it’s my first ruby program, I just
started learning… Suggestions on how to improve my code are
welcome :slight_smile:

This is how it looks when executed, I couldn’t find where to turn
these warnings off :confused:

$-w = nil should work.

Actually, I tried to use this webservice too, but I got so mad at it
and it’s freaking dumb semantics that I dropped that for health
reasons. Looks like you did it, though. :wink:

$-w = nil should work.

Actually, I tried to use this webservice too, but I got so mad at it
and it’s freaking dumb semantics that I dropped that for health
reasons. Looks like you did it, though. :wink:

Christian N. [email protected]

Yay, that works, no warnings anymore :slight_smile: Where can I read more about this
$-w variable ?
