Cucumber - wierd button pressing error

I wonder if anyone has some clues as to what is happening in the

Output from running the feature…

Scenario: Create an Order

Given I’m viewing the Rubber Duck product
When I press “Add to cart
Then I should see “Rubber Duck
When I press “Checkout
Then I should see “Checkout
When I fill in “order_name” with “Kevin Evans</
And I fill in “order_email” with
[email protected]
And I fill in “order_spinach” with “55555
And I press “Submit Order
uninitialized constant ActionController::AbstractRequest (NameError)
(eval):2:in /^I press "(.*)"$/' /Users/kwe/Sites/newtoys/features/cart.feature:44:inAnd I press
“Submit Order”’
Then I should see “Thankyou for your order

Specifically, the

And I press “Submit Order
uninitialized constant ActionController::AbstractRequest (NameError)
(eval):2:in `/^I press “(.*)”$/’

The other 'When I press" actions work fine?!

Hi - I vaguely remember having a similar problem.

From what I remember, this has to do with upgrading to rails 2.3.2 and
having older versions of gems / plugins (like webrat, nokogiri,
resources_controller, resource_controller etc)

Also note that you may not have to include “” in your button
You may be able to just do “When I press “submit order”” and webrat
finds it.
