Starting out with Cucumber and webrat and seem to be hitting a problem
with a resource protected with http basic auth.
The following feature…
Feature: Manage Pages
In order to add a reference pages
As a administrator
I want to create a page
Scenario: Add a page
Given I am logged in
And I am on the new page page
Then I should see “New page”
When I fill in “page_title” with “Demo Page”
And I fill in “page_summary” with “A short trip to the loo”
And I fill in “page_body” with “A very long long long story”
And I press “Create”
Then I should see “Show Page: Demo Page”
with the step “Given I am logged in” defined as…
Given /^I am logged in$/ do
basic_auth(‘username’, ‘apassword’)
All the steps work and a record is created, but the last step fails
with a “HTTP Basic: Access denied”
test.log has a
Processing PagesController#show (for at 2008-11-19 22:52:23)
Session ID:
Parameters: {“action”=>“show”, “id”=>“1-demo-page”,
Filter chain halted as [:authenticate] rendered_or_redirected.
Completed in 0.00095 (1053 reqs/sec) | Rendering: 0.00081 (85%) | DB:
0.00000 (0%) | 401 Unauthorized [
The :authenticate it refers to is a pretty standard…
def authenticate
authenticate_or_request_with_http_basic(“no peeping”) do |
username, password|
username == ‘username’ && password == ‘apassword’
I’m assuming it’s possibly an implementation problem with webrat?!?!
Given that the steps to fill out the form and press the create button
work fine (HTTP_AUTHORIZATION is passed in the heads for each action),
but sadly not for the redirect that follows the creation of a record.
Any ideas how I should proceed?
with thanks