[Cucumber] Portuguese keywords not recognized


I’ve just installed cucumber 0.1.99, and it looks like the Portuguese
step keywords aren’t recognized for some reason. I’m following this
example up on github:


When I switch to the original English keywords, it runs fine. I’ve
also tried using “Característica”, instead of “Funcionalidade” for the
translation of “Feature”, but that didn’t work either.

Is this a bug, or have the Portuguese keywords changed?


sorry to bump this up, I am the only one experiencing this problem?
anybody else running cucumber in other languages?

2009/2/14 Oliver B. [email protected]:

On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 5:14 PM, Oliver B.
[email protected] wrote:

sorry to bump this up, I am the only one experiencing this problem?
anybody else running cucumber in other languages?

Oi Oliver,

Poderia ver o codigo aqui:


Valeu David! muito bom poder falar com o mestre em português :slight_smile:

Mas eu tentei com estes, tanto com passos em inglês como em português:


com os passos em inglês, o cucumber simplesmente responde “0
features”. com os passos em português (que eu não tenho certeza se
têmsuporte, estou testando just in case), ele não reconhece:

./features/step_definitions/busca_de_tese_steps.rb:1: undefined method
`Dado’ for #Object:0x389a0 (NoMethodError)

2009/2/17 David C. [email protected]:

(it responds “0 Scenarios”, not “0 Features”, btw)

2009/2/18 Oliver B. [email protected]: