I don’t know where to put this post, but theme of this more similar to
my issue.
I have trite signin system, like this:
include SessionsHelper
helper_method :current_user
def current_user @current_user ||= User.find(session[:user_id]) if session[:user_id]
def is_admin? @current_user && @current_user.id == 1
So, if I test
is_admin?.should be_true
it returns:
expected nil to be true (RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError)
./features/step_definitions/users/add_user.rb:23:in /^I should signin$/' features/users/add_user.feature:13:inAnd I should signin’
But I signed in! Why? What’s the way to test authentication system from
I don’t know where to put this post, but theme of this more similar to
my issue.
The cucumber mailing list is: http://groups.google.com/group/cukes
But I can tell you that your problem is a scope issue. Your is_admin?
that is added to cucumber’s world does not have access to your
controller’s @current_user variable.
that is added to cucumber’s world does not have access to your
controller’s @current_user variable.
So, I understand this. But how I can avoid this defect?
If I paste def is_admin? into application_controller near current_user
method, I wouldn’t can World(ApplicationController). If I copy
current_user code to sessions_helper, then session[:user_id] wouldn’t
maybe I post an initiate letter here, and then find a way to write you?
Started here
I have trite signin system, like this:
include SessionsHelper
helper_method :current_user
def current_user @current_user ||= User.find(session[:user_id]) if session[:user_id]
def is_admin? @current_user && @current_user.id == 1
So, if I test
is_admin?.should be_true
it returns:
expected nil to be true (RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError)
./features/step_definitions/users/add_user.rb:23:in /^I should signin$/' features/users/add_user.feature:13:inAnd I should signin’
But I signed in! Why? What’s the way to test authentication system from
that is added to cucumber’s world does not have access to your
controller’s @current_user variable.
So, I understand this. But how I can avoid this defect?
If I paste def is_admin? into application_controller near current_user
method, I wouldn’t can World(ApplicationController). If I copy
current_user code to sessions_helper, then session[:user_id] wouldn’t
that is added to cucumber’s world does not have access to your
controller’s @current_user variable.
So, I understand this. But how I can avoid this defect?
It is not a defect. It’s how cukes work. They wrap Rails integration
tests, which don’t give you direct access to controllers or sessions.
Your options are:
actually log in (i.e. create a user, go to the login screen and log
in). You can wrap this in a single step definition like “Given I am
logged in as ‘admin’”, but you still have to go through the app within
the step definition.
This only works for in-memory scenarios (i.e. it doesn’t work
in-browser when the app is running in a separate process) - you can
stub the controller using any_instance:
actually log in (i.e. create a user, go to the login screen and log
in). You can wrap this in a single step definition like “Given I am
logged in as ‘admin’”, but you still have to go through the app within
the step definition.
I do this. Here is example:
Scenario: guest becomes a user
Given I am guest
When I go to the signup_path
And puts signup info
Then new user should be created
And I should signin
Given /^I am guest$/ do
get_me_the_cookies.should eq([])
When /^I go to the signup_path$/ do
visit signup_path
Then /^new user should be created$/ do
page.should have_content(“New user added: frankpopp”)
Then /^I should signin$/ do
is_user?.should be_true
in users_controller.rb:
def create @user = User.new(params[:user])
if @user.save
session[:user_id] = @user.id # This create a session
flash[:success] = "New user added: " + @user.username
flash[:notice] = "His password is: " + @user.password if is_admin?
redirect_to @user
Then new user should be created
And I should signin
Given /^I am guest$/ do
get_me_the_cookies.should eq([])
^^ Givens, by definition, are given; to be taken for granted. They
should not have expectations in them. If you feel the need to have an
expectation in them, it suggests that there is another sceneario
click_button “Sign up!”
Then /^new user should be created$/ do
page.should have_content(“New user added: frankpopp”)
This doesn’t tell you that the new user actually exists. Here I’d
recommend going to the database:
Then /^new user should be created$/ do
User.find_by_username(“frankpopp”).should_not be_nil
Then /^I should signin$/ do
is_user?.should be_true
Your email earlier this thread has an “is_admin?” method, so I’ll assume
“is_user?” works the same way:
def is_admin? @current_user && @current_user.id != 1
The problem is that @current_user is an instance variable inside the
controller. You can’t access it from a scenario. Usually I just use
something something on the page to identify that “frankpopp” is signed
fill_in “user_password”, :with => “123456”
Then /^new user should be created$/ do
User.find_by_username(“frankpopp”).should_not be_nil
Then /^I should signin$/ do
is_user?.should be_true
Your email earlier this thread has an “is_admin?” method, so I’ll assume
“is_user?” works the same way:
def is_admin?
^^ That should have been is_user?
@current_user && @current_user.id != 1
The problem is that @current_user is an instance variable inside the controller.
You can’t access it from a scenario. Usually I just use something something on the
page to identify that “frankpopp” is signed in.
Also, if you want to specify that frankpopp is an admin, you can either
check the database via the model (i.e.
User.find_by_username(“frankpopp”).should be_admin or some such), or,
again, look for some identifying feature on the page - maybe a link that
only admins can see.
BTW - while I do want to see you get the help you need, this
conversation is noise for many rspec-users readers, so if you have all
you need, please wait until you get your membership on the Cucumber list
sorted out before continuing it. If things are still not working for
you, however, please feel free to continue the conversation until this
particular issue is resolved for you.
I’m a moderator on the Cukes list. There are no outstanding messages
awaiting moderation. I suggest you try again. Send your message to [email protected]