I ported some stories from restful_authentication so that they can use
cucumber, and it worked fine in rake features.
Now when I try to run under autospec or cucumber features, I’m getting
failures with undefined method get'. When I change 'get' to 'visit', same symptom (undefined method visit’), but I’m getting other issues
(redirects not being detected or issued) when running in rake.
I can’t see that I’m doing anything out of the ordinary. I have require
“webrat/rails” in my support/env.rb, along with… well, here’s my
–require config/boot.rb --require features
–require config/environment.rb
and now, I’ve tried with
–require lib --require features features/ (nope)
–require features --require lib features/ (yes!)
Shazaaaayam! Okay, thank you for the hint. Lessee, then for
autospec… aha. Yep. cucumber.yml, check. Added these working args
to the autotest and autotest-all config, working well now.
Okay, updated the wiki page to add some details. These work for me now.