[Cucumber] after feature hook?


Is there a hook or a method to execute some code after a whole feature
has run or will I need to embed that in a ‘Then’?



On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 2:33 PM, aidy lewis
[email protected]wrote:


Is there a hook or a method to execute some code after a whole feature
has run or will I need to embed that in a ‘Then’?

May I ask what you’re planning to use it for?


aidy lewis wrote:


Is there a hook or a method to execute some code after a whole feature
has run or will I need to embed that in a ‘Then’?

There are currently no before/after feature hooks.

Also if you want something to happen before/after everything you can use
World and at_exit respectively.

Joseph W.

Hi Alsak,

I am finding it difficult to separate my Acceptance Tests unless I
have lengthy scenarios.

One scenario would be one sequence of action etc - until a goal is

At the end of the feature, I would like the browser to close: If the
browser closes on each scenario - they I have to get back to the
previous state. This is expensive with browser based tests.


Hi Joe, Aslak

2009/1/5 Joseph W. [email protected]:

At the end of the feature, I would like the browser to close:
test run. We terminate the session before each scenario (By accessing

World do

browser.open ‘/logout’


at_exit {browser.close} works fine and I should have thought of that.

Maybe Selenium RC is slow on starting the browser by going through the
HTTP proxy - but I am not sure. Watir\Firewatir does not take that

I am closing the browser because if the test or A-U-T totally bombs; I
can get rid of that session and run the next test. So if one test
fails, all my tests don’t.


On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 3:12 PM, aidy lewis
[email protected]wrote:

And only closing the browser after all the features (at_exit) does not


aidy lewis wrote:

Hi Alsak,

I am finding it difficult to separate my Acceptance Tests unless I
have lengthy scenarios.

One scenario would be one sequence of action etc - until a goal is reached.

At the end of the feature, I would like the browser to close:
So you are using scenarios to get the browser into a certain state and
then the next scenario relies on continuing work on that state?
I guess this must mean one scenario failing breaks all following
scenarios in the feature?
If the
browser closes on each scenario - they I have to get back to the
previous state. This is expensive with browser based tests.


A bit of a side note but can I ask why you need the browser to close
after a scenario or feature?

In Selenium (not sure if Watir is the same) the time expense of starting
a new browser instances per scenario or per feature is too high (It can
take 7/8 seconds for selenium to start a browser). So rather than
closing and opening new browsers we use a single browser instance open
throughout the test run. We terminate the session before each scenario
(By accessing logout).

World do

browser.open ‘/logout’


Joseph W.

aidy lewis wrote:


Is there a hook or a method to execute some code after a whole feature
has run or will I need to embed that in a ‘Then’?

There are currently no before/after feature hooks.

Also if you want something to happen before/after everything you can use
World and at_exit respectively.

Joseph W.