I would like to have a plot where the bottom x-axis has major ticks with
numbers (majornum) and the top x-axis is major ticks without numbers. Is
there a way to do this? Every time I try something one or the other gets
overwritten by the other. Thanks!
ruby-talk is generally for questions about Ruby programming, and I, for
had never heard of cTioga before today. That’s not to say you shouldn’t
questions like this here (especially if you’re out of ideas), but, for
example, when I have a question about The Gimp, I don’t ask in a C
I would like to have a plot where the bottom x-axis has major ticks with
numbers (majornum) and the top x-axis is major ticks without numbers. Is
there a way to do this? Every time I try something one or the other gets
overwritten by the other. Thanks!
Hello…I had simillar problem, this is my way of getting what I need,
ctioga --yaxis line --xaxis top,line --inset .5,.5:1,1 --xrange 20:70
ZnOAbs.DAT --xaxis bottom,full --yaxis line
This way I have thicks only in the x axis and both y and x top are
lines…as you can see I use inset as main plot area, and starting xaxis
for filling the top xaxis with line
this is robust solution but its solution never the less
if you find more elegant way please post it :))))
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