CSV question


CSV (more specifically FasterCSV) reads the file i provided row by row

FasterCSV.foreach(‘path/to/file.csv’, ‘r’) do |r|
r # this is an array of a row in the file

but i need to get the array column by column…
is there a way i can simply do this? (even rotating the excel 90 degrees
should do the trick as well!)

FasterCSV.foreachcolumn(‘path/to/file.csv’, ‘r’) do |c|
c # this is an array of a column yay for all and such things

apologize for the redundant question

sorry, ignore this post

On 10/16/07, Shai R. [email protected] wrote:

CSV (more specifically FasterCSV) reads the file i provided row by row

FasterCSV.foreach(‘path/to/file.csv’, ‘r’) do |r|
r # this is an array of a row in the file

but i need to get the array column by column…
is there a way i can simply do this? (even rotating the excel 90 degrees
should do the trick as well!)

I don’t know if there’s a better way, but you can do this:

a = FasterCSV.parse(File.read(“catalogue.csv”))
a.transpose.each {|column| …}

but you will have errors if the rows don’t have the same number of

Hope this helps,
