Css class as parameter


I would like to know how could it be possible to set a css class as
parameter and a default one.

For instance class=“active” will be located on the first, second
lines, depending on the action.


  • Tasks
  • Categories
  • Calendar
  • Eisenhower matrix
  • Any help would be highly appreciated.


    For instance class=“active” will be located on the first, second
    lines, depending on the action.


  • things.each_with_index do |thing, index|

  • >Tasks
  • That’s just the sketch of the behaviors - but you must clean it up. The
    and the ‘foo’ should appear in a table, preferably inside the thing
    Controllers should have the minimum possible logical statements, and
    should have less.

  • Tasks
  • Thanks for helping.

    Does it mean that I need to create a get_class function in each model
    (tasks, categories, calendar …)?

    Thanks for your help.

    You could use a method call from a helper.

    For your example:

    in the application.html.erb

  • Tasks
  • Categories
  • Calendar
  • Eisenhower matrix
  • then in the application_helper.rb

    def get_class(active_action)
    “active” if @active_action == active_action

    then in your actions set the @active_action variable

    for your default, you could set the @active_action in the
    application.rb controller, then it will be overwritten if some action
    specifically overrides the variable

    If you are trying to highlight the active tab a good way of doing it is
    by giving all the tabs an id as well as a body id for each of the pages
    that the tabs exist on. Once you do this you have control of the active
    tab style.


    • ...
    • ...
    • ...


      the active tab

      body#tasks li#task_tab, body#categories li#category_tab … {


      the inactive tabs

      ul#tabs { … }