can you check it via firebug or chrome’s developer tools and check if
class really toggles (i’m pretty it does). if you can’t
see the changes maybe the change isn’t that obvious. FAFAFA is very
to white so if you have a white background, you
may not notice the change.
On Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 1:28 AM, wragen22 [email protected] wrote:
for some reason adding the following is doing nothing…
Please note this list is for Rails questions, not HTML/CSS questions.
.post.hover {
background: FAFAFA;
FAFAFA is not a valid value for background, and you should be using
background-color if you only have a colour just for semantics but to
directly address your question, please try doing #fafafa, please also
note that the pseudo class for hover is :hover so try .post:hover
instead of .post.hover.