Cryptor 1.0.0: an easy-to-use multi-backend encryption library for Ruby

Cryptor is a multi-backend high-level encryption library for Ruby,
inspired by tools like GPG and Google Keyczar:

Much like an audiophile soundsystem, Cryptor doesn’t have a whole lot of
knobs. Instead, all of the tough decisions have been made for you in
advance by experts, providing a safe API that’s simple and easy-to-use.
Cryptor utilizes what’s known as “authenticated encryption” exclusively,
and supports two backends:

  • RbNaCl: a Ruby binding to libsodium, a portable version of the
    state-of-the-art NaCl encryption library
  • ActiveSupport::MessageEncryptor: a bespoke authenticated encryption
    scheme using AES-CBC and HMAC built on Ruby’s OpenSSL extension

Here’s an example of using Cryptor with the recommended
cipher supplied by RbNaCl:

require 'cryptor'
require 'cryptor/symmetric_encryption/ciphers/message_encryptor'

secret_key = 


cryptor =
ciphertext = cryptor.encrypt(plaintext)
decrypted = cryptor.decrypt(ciphertext)

That’s it!

Cryptor also supports key rotation, allowing multiple decryption keys to
active at the same time, but ensuring all new ciphertexts are produced
the newest, “active” key. This means that if keys are ever compromised,
you’d like to have a policy of rotating keys, you can easily update
existing ciphertexts to be encrypted under a new key.

Cryptor uses the experimental ORDO message format for representing

Future versions of Cryptor may support additional message formats like
OpenPGP and JWE.

Cryptor only supports symmetric encryption at this time. Future versions
may support asymmetric encryption using RbNaCl’s “Box” encryption
(a.k.a. curve25519xsalsa20poly1305)


On Mon, Jun 16, 2014 at 11:03 AM, Sándor Szücs
[email protected]

AES-CBC is not a strong decision.
If you can, please try to use AES-GCM.

While I agree with you that AES-CBC is inferior to AES-GCM, the
cipher for Cryptor is XSalsa20Poly1305, an authenticated stream cipher
provided by RbNaCl, which is arguably better than AES-GCM.

AES-CBC + HMAC is provided as an alternative for those who don’t want
RbNaCl as a dependency, and used because it’s what ActiveSupport’s
MessageEncryptor class provides. I am not explicitly choosing to use
AES-CBC. ActiveSupport made the decision for me.


Thanks for your work.

On 15/06/14 01:26, Tony A. wrote:

Cryptor utilizes what’s known as “authenticated encryption” exclusively,
and supports two backends:

  • RbNaCl: a Ruby binding to libsodium, a portable version of the
    state-of-the-art NaCl encryption library
  • ActiveSupport::MessageEncryptor: a bespoke authenticated encryption
    scheme using AES-CBC and HMAC built on Ruby’s OpenSSL extension

AES-CBC is not a strong decision.
If you can, please try to use AES-GCM.

Hth. regards, sandor