Cross-Compile Ruby with OpenSSL for Angstrom Linux?


(attention, newbie, if there is a better forum, please tell me)

i want to cross-compile an up-to-date version of Ruby for Angstrom Linux
with OpenSSL support. Has someone already done this ?
Build machine is an Ubuntu 11.10, 32 bit edition. Target is ARM Linux.

Whereever i put my OpenSSL include files and OpenSSL libs,
Ruby compilation always tells, nothing for OpenSSL found.
What is it checking in detail ? Availability of the include files ?
Or the libs ? Something else ?

Is there something special i must use as command line parameter
of configure / make ? E.g. a path to include / libs ?
What is the file / directory structure of OpenSSL needed by ruby ?

Best regards,


Martin M. wrote in post #1041255:


(attention, newbie, if there is a better forum, please tell me)

i want to cross-compile an up-to-date version of Ruby for Angstrom Linux
with OpenSSL support. Has someone already done this ?
Build machine is an Ubuntu 11.10, 32 bit edition. Target is ARM Linux.

Whereever i put my OpenSSL include files and OpenSSL libs,
Ruby compilation always tells, nothing for OpenSSL found.
What is it checking in detail ? Availability of the include files ?
Or the libs ? Something else ?

Did you succeed cross-compiling OpenSSL?

Did you point Ruby configure process to the location where the artifacts
of installing cross-compiled OpenSSL are located? (it should have a
bin/lib/include set of folders)

Luis L.

Is there something special i must use as command line parameter
of configure / make ? E.g. a path to include / libs ?
What is the file / directory structure of OpenSSL needed by ruby ?

I’m not 100% sure about this (can’t verify from where I’m at), but IIRC
when compiling Ruby from scratch it will check for the availability of
headers in the standard locations.
If that somehow fails in your case, you could try to build the extension
after you compiled your Ruby w/o it.

Navigate to the ext/openssl directory of your Ruby sources. Run

ruby extconf.rb --with-openssl-dir=/path/to/openssl

Where “path/to/openssl/” is the directory where OpenSSL was installed.
It’s the right one if it contains a “lib” and an “include” directory.

If successful, this will generate a Makefile for you. Run

make && make install

and it should now build the OpenSSL extension and deploy it.


PS: Just found this, might help: Openssl error - ubuntu - Ruby - Ruby-Forum