Creating Arrays

Dear All,<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns =
“urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office” />

Please forgive me if this email is a bit simple, but I am new to ruby
and object orientated programming pretty much and just looking for a few
tips from the experts.

I have a .csz file created from a spreadsheet which contains 666 rows
and 19 columns. What I would like to do is read the csz file into an
array in ruby and store that array as a set of columns and rows (like in
excel). Once I have achieved this, I will be making some updates to all
the figures within the Array.

At the moment my code looks like this:

print “Importing Planning Sheet: 2004_extrap_Planning_Data\n”

filepath = ‘Q:\TECH2006\DBA\02_LU\Final TAGM 2007

Input_file =, ‘r’)


fields =

while ( !Input_file.eof )

        line = Input_file.gets

        line.each(',') { |this_record|

                    fields << this_record.chomp(",").strip()


Input_file.each { |line| }


What I understand is happening is that I am reading my file into a new
Ruby file called “Input_file” and then I am creating a new Array called
“fields” and I am loading the new file into the fields array but
removing the commas using the chomp in each line. Unfortunately it isn’t

My question is basically how do I do what I want to do?.. It is
difficult for a new starter but I suspect you guys would know it inside

Any tips would be greatly appreciated!


  • John

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