I was wondering if it was possible to create a series of arrays through
a loop. This doesn’t work (I think):
for num in 1…10
array_num = Array.new
I was wondering if it was possible to create a series of arrays through
a loop. This doesn’t work (I think):
for num in 1…10
array_num = Array.new
Squawk B. wrote:
I was wondering if it was possible to create a series of arrays through
a loop. This doesn’t work (I think):for num in 1…10
array_num = Array.new
Of course that doesn’t work. You’re setting the same variable
(array_num) each time. What you should do is use an array of arrays:
array_of_arrays = Array.new(10) {Array.new}
Marnen Laibow-Koser
[email protected]
Squawk B. wrote:
I was wondering if it was possible to create a series of arrays through
a loop. This doesn’t work (I think):for num in 1…10
array_num = Array.new
It works fine, but it will always assign the new array to the same
One idea is to create an array, and then add arrays as elements.
main_array = Array.new
(1…10).times { main_array << Array.new }
This may do what you want, but there may also be a more Ruby-ish way,
depending on why you need those arrays.
2010/2/1 Aldric G. [email protected]:
One idea is to create an array, and then add arrays as elements.
main_array = Array.new
(1…10).times { main_array << Array.new }
Either use (1…10).each or use 10.times - but (1…10).times won’t work:
irb(main):002:0> (1…10).times {|*a| p a}
NoMethodError: undefined method times' for 1..10:Range from (irb):2 from /opt/bin/irb19:12:in
Robert K. wrote:
2010/2/1 Aldric G. [email protected]:
One idea is to create an array, and then add arrays as elements.
main_array = Array.new
(1…10).times { main_array << Array.new }Either use (1…10).each or use 10.times - but (1…10).times won’t work:
Whoops! That’s what I get for crossing two thoughts.
2010/2/1 Squawk B. [email protected]:
I was wondering if it was possible to create a series of arrays through
a loop. This doesn’t work (I think):for num in 1…10
array_num = Array.new
Well, it does work - only you loose references to a newly created
Array immediately. You can try some of these variants:
arrs = []
10.times { arrs << Array.new }
arrs = Array.new(10) { Array.new }
arrs = (1…10).map { Array.new }
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