I’m trying to write a simple module/class, in it i’m trying to capture
the repetitive, that i can reuse to make my life easier.
How do i setup this module, so i can make refernces to it?
Where do i need to store the actual file?
I would like to know how can i make references to this module?
if somebody can point me to the right direction, that’ll be very helpul.
appreciate the help.
if somebody can point me to the right direction, that’ll be very helpul.
appreciate the help.
Hi, I’m not sure I 100% understand what you want, but here goes:
You generally set up a class in a stand-alone rb-file. (“class MyClass;
…; end” in myclass.rb, e.g.)
Then, you either put it in one of the system library dirs, or below the
dir that your project is stored in.
Inside your program, you have a line like “require ‘myclass’”, then use
it like any other class.
… Is this what you’re asking, did it answer your question?
if somebody can point me to the right direction, that’ll be very helpul.
appreciate the help.
Well, you can store a module/class in with the rest of your code or as
a separate file and use #require to bring it into your program.
Generally these files are installed in a subdir of Ruby site_ruby
location. For instance, if you are using Debian linux: