Creating a link_to from a collection_select

I want to be able to change one attribute of a link_to to be what is the
current selection of the collection_select. And needless to say I can’t
quite figure it out.


Who would you like to assign this task to?

<%= link_to ‘Myself’, :controller => ‘task_queues’, :task_id =>,
:action => ‘assign_to_me’ %> |
Assign To:
<%= collection_select(“assign”, “user_id”, @users, :id, :full_name )%>
<%= link_to ‘Assign’, :controller =>‘task_queues’, :task_id =>,
:user_id => ## Current Selection of the collection_select ##, :action =>
‘assign_to_other’ %>

This action brings it across to another controller/model where I write
results to the task_queues database.

Any insight or assistance in this would be greatly apprecaited.



Shameless bump … can anyone help on this?

On Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 7:16 AM, Brian E.
[email protected]wrote:

Who would you like to assign this task to?

Any insight or assistance in this would be greatly apprecaited.

You need to use javascript. In jquery that would be

$(‘#assign_user_id’).change(function() {
‘/task_queues/#{}/assign_to_other/’ +
$(‘#assign_user_id :selected’).val()

I’m not sure how your routes is setup so I’m not sure if I got your url

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Hey Brian,

currently im a bit tired so im not able to write this code for you.

however, here is what i would do:

  1. app/views/tasks/show.html.erb should be to view the task given by the
    (tasks/1). so you shouldn’t do any edit on that article on the show page

this leads to

  1. you should use a form for that. make a function task_assign in the
    and pass the user you want to assign the task to in the params hash.


<%= form_for(@task) do |f| %>
<%= f.collection_select(“assign”, “user_id”, @users, :id, :full_name )%>
this line is copypasta from you, didnt look if right
<%= f.submit %>
<% end %>

you could, i say could, do the form on the show page as well, maybe need
specify controller and action then but that wont be a problem i guess.


Am Donnerstag, 13. September 2012 16:32:34 UTC+2 schrieb Brian E.: