Hi im just coming to ruby from C albeit after many years of no
programming. Im trying the simple matrix problem to get used to dealing
with arrays in ruby.
How do you create a blank 2d array?
I want to ask the user for the number of rows and columns and then
create a blank 2d array using those dimensions. From there I’d populate
it with the users desired data.
x, y = 2, 3 #you get these values from the user
m = [] #initializing m for scope reasons
x.times { m << Array.new( y ) } # adding new arrays to m
That should get you started. Keep in mind that arrays are just
ordered lists of objects. You can have an ordered list of any object
(including other arrays). The [] index call can be chained. So to
access this 2d array at 0,0 you would do m[0][0].
Hi im just coming to ruby from C albeit after many years of no
programming. Im trying the simple matrix problem to get used to dealing
with arrays in ruby.
There is a matrix class in the stdlib. But if you’re doing anything
numeric, I’d recommend using NArray.
How do you create a blank 2d array?
I want to ask the user for the number of rows and columns and then
create a blank 2d array using those dimensions. From there I’d populate
it with the users desired data.
Todd’s suggestion will work, but I prefer:
rows, cols = 2,3
mat = Array.new(rows) { Array.new(cols) }
Todd’s suggestion will work, but I prefer:
rows, cols = 2,3
mat = Array.new(rows) { Array.new(cols) }
Why do you use the {}? Arent they used when your creating hashes.
This is a block (like do…end), not a Hash, in this context.
The block is passed to the Array constructor and which calls it
with each index to yield a value for the elements of the outer
array being constructed.
Ok i think i kinda understand. Could you tell me if this is something
specific to arrays or is it used for other objects as well? If I wanted
to learn more about this in a book what should i look up in the
Ok i think i kinda understand. Could you tell me if this is something
specific to arrays or is it used for other objects as well? If I wanted
to learn more about this in a book what should i look up in the
Worth reading in detail: http://ruby-doc.org/core/classes/Array.html.
Use IRB to enter examples of each usage shown, to make sure you
it. When you’ve read that, move on to Hash, String and Enumerable:
Apart from knowing the Ruby syntax, 90% of all your code is covered by
those four pages. When you’ve worked through them all once, do it again
from the top, and you’ll learn still more.
Clifford H…
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