#create tests fail when I add FriendlyId to my model

I am doing controller testing, and I can’t seem to get the create
method test to pass when friendly_id is added to the mix. If I comment
it out of the model, the tests all pass perfectly. The moment I add it
back in, the error looks like this:

  1. Error:
    FriendlyId::BlankError: FriendlyId::BlankError
    app/controllers/brands_controller.rb:16:in create' test/functional/brands_controller_test.rb:27:intest_create_valid’

Here’s the relevant line in brand.rb:

has_friendly_id :name, :use_slug => true, :approximate_ascii => true

Here’s the test (using mocha):

def test_create_valid
post :create
assert_redirected_to brand_url(assigns(:brand))

Here’s the fixture:

name: MyString
image_file_name: MyString
image_content_type: MyString
image_file_size: 1
image_updated_at: 2011-08-03 10:49:03
tease: MyText
description: MyText

All other tests pass, and if I comment out has_friendly_id, the create
tests pass as well. Does this ring any bells for anyone?

Thanks in advance,


On Thursday, August 4, 2011 1:35:15 PM UTC-6, Walter Lee D. wrote:

 test/functional/brands_controller_test.rb:27:in `test_create_valid'
 assert_redirected_to brand_url(assigns(:brand))


I’m gonna take a stab at this and say it’s because you’re not posting a
parameter to the create action. Therefor, the create action is trying to
create a new Brand w/out a name. Since you’re using the friendly_id gem
configuring the Brand model to use its “name” field as the friendly id,
must provide a name else you get FriendlyId::BlankError.

Doesn’t really matter what you have in your fixtures since you’re
a request that results in a call to your #create action in your
which will create a new (blank) Brand record.

On Aug 4, 2011, at 4:13 PM, Kendall G. wrote:

image_file_name: MyString
image_content_type: MyString
image_file_size: 1
image_updated_at: 2011-08-03 10:49:03
tease: MyText
description: MyText

Doesn’t really matter what you have in your fixtures since you’re
simulating a request that results in a call to your #create action
in your controller which will create a new (blank) Brand record.

I’ve tried all sorts of variations on this, along the lines of

 post :create, :name => 'MyString'


 b = Brand.any_instance
 post :create

and I’ve gotten the identical error.

Can you show me the correct way to write this, such that I define the
value for name at the correct moment?



On Aug 4, 2011, at 4:13 PM, Kendall G. wrote:


get FriendlyId::BlankError.

Doesn’t really matter what you have in your fixtures since you’re
simulating a request that results in a call to your #create action
in your controller which will create a new (blank) Brand record.

All other tests pass, and if I comment out has_friendly_id, the create
tests pass as well. Does this ring any bells for anyone?

Okay, thanks to Kendall and the Test Prescriptions book, I think I
have it fixed. This works:

def test_create_valid
b = Brand.any_instance
post :create
assert_redirected_to brand_url(assigns(:brand))

For some reason, having stubs(:valid?).returns(true) before
stubs(:name).returns(‘MyString’) made it continue to fail, while
putting the name in first worked. Posting this so I can find it again
later when I forget…
