Create statement in migration file does not work

I have:

class CreateGuests < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
create_table :guests do |t|
t.string :namen
t.text :comment
t.integer :admin, :default => 0
t.integer :deleted, :default => 1

 Guest.create(:namen => "aaa, :comment => "bbb", :admin =>

1, :deleted => 0)


def self.down
drop_table :guests

Migration runs fine - “rake db:migrate --trace” gives no errors but
the guest is not created!

Any hints?

PS: I run Rails 2.0.2



Jochen K. wrote:

I have:

class CreateGuests < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
create_table :guests do |t|
t.string :namen
t.text :comment
t.integer :admin, :default => 0
t.integer :deleted, :default => 1

 Guest.create(:namen => "aaa, :comment => "bbb", :admin =>

1, :deleted => 0)

You are missing a closing quote on the "aaa

Am 26.12.2007 um 17:45 schrieb Chris O.:

  t.integer   :deleted, :default => 1

Guest.create(:namen => "aaa, :comment => "bbb", :admin =>

1, :deleted => 0)

You are missing a closing quote on the "aaa

Ups…I just replaced the real name with “aaa” and forgot the closing

Have you any validation rules that would prevent it being saved?

Jochen K. wrote:

Am 26.12.2007 um 17:45 schrieb Chris O.:

  t.integer   :deleted, :default => 1

Guest.create(:namen => "aaa, :comment => "bbb", :admin =>

1, :deleted => 0)

You are missing a closing quote on the "aaa

Ups…I just replaced the real name with “aaa” and forgot the closing

Are you sure that this migration script is running, ie, are you fully
re-creating your db before each migration?

Are you able to enter the Guest.create(…) from the script/console?

Am 26.12.2007 um 17:56 schrieb John W.:

Have you any validation rules that would prevent it being saved?

I HAD some:

 before_validation :trim_strings
 before_save  { |guest| guest.password = md5_pass(guest.password)

if guest.not_enabled? }

but I disabled them.

Am 26.12.2007 um 18:07 schrieb Chris O.:

You are missing a closing quote on the "aaa

Ups…I just replaced the real name with “aaa” and forgot the closing

Are you sure that this migration script is running,

rake db:migrate --trace

(in /Users/bullet/Documents/RAILS_WORK/…)
** Invoke db:migrate (first_time)
** Invoke environment (first_time)
** Execute environment
** Execute db:migrate
== 1 CreateSessions: migrating

– create_table(:sessions)
-> 0.0042s
– add_index(:sessions, :session_id)
-> 0.0408s
– add_index(:sessions, :updated_at)
-> 0.0112s
== 1 CreateSessions: migrated (0.0566s)

== 2 CreateGuests: migrating

– create_table(:guests)
-> 0.0124s
== 2 CreateGuests: migrated (0.1872s)

== 5 CreateLogins: migrating

– create_table(:logins)
-> 0.0046s
== 5 CreateLogins: migrated (0.0048s)

== 7 CreateGaleries: migrating

– create_table(:galeries)
-> 0.0099s
== 7 CreateGaleries: migrated (0.0101s)

== 8 CreatePics: migrating

– create_table(:pics)
-> 0.0071s
== 8 CreatePics: migrated (0.0073s)

== 9 CreateMessages: migrating

– create_table(:messages)
-> 0.0056s
== 9 CreateMessages: migrated (0.0059s)

== 10 CreateBookings: migrating

– create_table(:bookings)
-> 0.0166s
== 10 CreateBookings: migrated (0.0167s)

== 11 CreateAnswers: migrating

– create_table(:answers)
-> 0.0052s
== 11 CreateAnswers: migrated (0.0053s)

** Invoke db:schema:dump (first_time)
** Invoke environment
** Execute db:schema:dump

ie, are you fully re-creating your db before each migration?

In this special case here: Yes.

Are you able to enter the Guest.create(…) from the script/console?

g =
=> #<Guest id: nil, salutation: nil, namen: nil, surname: nil, email:
nil, telephone: nil, mobile: nil, street: nil, city: nil, zip: nil,
password: nil, token: nil, company: nil, comment: nil, admin: 0,
deleted: 1, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil>

g.namen = “aaa”
=> “aaa”
=> false

Uuppps… I forgot one thing:

validates_confirmation_of :password, :message => “Passwörter stimmen
nicht überein!”, :on => :create

so I added

:password_confirmation => “bla bla…”

to my migration file!!

Thanx guys!

Your admin and deleted fields should be booleans, not integers.

On Wed, 26 Dec 2007 17:35:46 +0100, Jochen K. wrote:

 Guest.create(:namen => "aaa, :comment => "bbb", :admin =>

1, :deleted => 0)

I didn’t know you could put dummy data directly into the migration –


Am 27.12.2007 um 00:15 schrieb Ryan B.:

Your admin and deleted fields should be booleans, not integers.

This would not work here, because I need to store more then true or
false in this
two fields - I think I should find better labels for these
fields…perhaps rights and
