is it possible in ruby to create dynamic variables like in php by doing
$b=$$a ??
i’d like to infer an instance variable from a layout view, in order to
set up dynamically a precise id to my html object (so i need the name
of the current objetc + its id)
is it possible in ruby to create dynamic variables like in php by doing
$b=$$a ??
i’d like to infer an instance variable from a layout view, in order to
set up dynamically a precise id to my html object (so i need the name
of the current objetc + its id)
This is usually an indication that you rather want a Hash.
Having said that here are a few other options you have:
This was the way I dicovered arrays back when I was 11 years old. I
kept trying to concatenate a number with a fix variable name in some
version of basic.
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