Create databse tables

Hi all!

I am a RoR newbie.
I want to install an exist RoR project. I installed all but I cannot
create the database tables.
I configure my config/database.yml and it works because if I run the
rake db:create
the application creates the db in my MySQL database.

But this command create only the db and not all the tables.

I saw that in the application db/schema.db there are the definitions for
the table creation but I don’t know how to use it.

And if I run
rake db:migrate
it gives me an error because it tries to apply a patch in a non-existing

Thanks in advance,
best regards!

Try rake db:schema:load (Load a schema.rb file into the database).

If you see “rake -T”, there is all options for rake.

  Agustin Viñao
agustinvinao (Skype)

On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 12:07 PM, Luca Vaudano <

Thanks for the quick reply!

I already saw on Internet all the rake commands but also
rake db:schema:load
gives me an error because it tries to apply a patch in a non-existing

rake aborted!
Mysql::Error: Table ‘mathwiki_development.mathwiki_settings’ doesn’t
exist: SHOW FIELDS FROM mathwiki_settings

There is a way for passing directly to a command the schema.db file?