Create conditions in model

Hello guys,

I trying to create the conditions of my search, but I have some

This is the method I’m trying to create in my model.

def self.searchadv(title, place, category, date)
!title.blank? ? conditions = [‘title LIKE ?’, “%#{title}%”] :
conditions = []
if conditions
!place.blank? ? conditions << [’ AND place LIKE ?’,
“%#{place}%”] : conditions << []
!place.blank? ? conditions << [’ AND category LIKE ?’,
“%#{place}%”] : conditions << []
!place.blank? ? conditions << [’ AND date LIKE ?’, “%#{place}%”]
: conditions << []
!place.blank? ? conditions << [’ place LIKE ?’, “%#{place}%”] :
conditions << []
!place.blank? ? conditions << [’ category LIKE ?’, “%#{place}%”]
: conditions << []
!place.blank? ? conditions << [’ date LIKE ?’, “%#{place}%”] :
conditions << []
find(:all, :conditions => conditions)end

I get this error

wrong number of bind variables (4 for 1) in: title LIKE ?

if I delete this:

if conditions
!place.blank? ? conditions << [’ AND place LIKE ?’, “%#{place}%”] :
conditions << []
!place.blank? ? conditions << [’ AND category LIKE ?’, “%#{place}%”]
: conditions << []
!place.blank? ? conditions << [’ AND date LIKE ?’, “%#{place}%”] :
conditions << []else
!place.blank? ? conditions << [’ place LIKE ?’, “%#{place}%”] :
conditions << []
!place.blank? ? conditions << [’ category LIKE ?’, “%#{place}%”] :
conditions << []
!place.blank? ? conditions << [’ date LIKE ?’, “%#{place}%”] :
conditions << []end

Everything works great, but I need this other options in order to create
search and I don’t undertand why the error is in the “LiKE”

Does anyone could help me please?

Thanks in advance!

On Dec 2, 6:26pm, Jean [email protected] wrote:

Hello guys,

I trying to create the conditions of my search, but I have some troubles.

This is the method I’m trying to create in my model.

def self.searchadv(title, place, category, date)
!title.blank? ? conditions = [‘title LIKE ?’, “%#{title}%”] : conditions = []

This (and the remainder) would probably be more readable if you used
present? rather than !blank?

if conditions
!place.blank? ? conditions << [’ AND place LIKE ?', “%#{place}%”] :
conditions << []

I think you are confusing << with concat.
This code appends a single item to conditions (that is a 0 or 2 item
array) which isn’t what you intended. I’d probably write this as

conditions += [’ and …', “%#{place}” if place.present?

More readable (I think) would be

fragments = []
bind_variables = []

if title.present?
fragments << ‘title LIKE ?’
bind_variables << title

If place.present?
fragments << ‘category like ?’
bind_variables << %#{place}%"


conditions = [fragments.join(’ AND ')] + bind_variables

Which removes some of the duplication you currently have. You might
also want to look at something like squeel, which extends active
record to make it easier to write this sort of query.


On Sun, Dec 2, 2012 at 4:26 PM, Jean [email protected] wrote:

def self.searchadv(title, place, category, date)

Colour me doubtful, but since you’re passing in category and date, why
are you using place in your category and date subclauses?

    !place.blank? ? conditions << [' AND category LIKE ?', "%#{place}%"]

: conditions << []
!place.blank? ? conditions << [’ AND date LIKE ?', “%#{place}%”] :
conditions << []

I really like the way Fred puts it together by joining the fragments
into the where clause.

On Mon, Dec 3, 2012 at 6:26 AM, Jean [email protected] wrote:

    !place.blank? ? conditions << [' AND category LIKE ?', "%#{place}%"] : 

conditions << []

wrong number of bind variables (4 for 1) in: title LIKE ?

Everything works great, but I need this other options in order to create
my search and I don’t undertand why the error is in the “LiKE”

Does anyone could help me please?

Thanks in advance!

you can also do it like this

def self.searchadv(title, place, category, date)
klass = scoped

klass = klass.where(conditions for title here) if title.present?

klass = klass.where(conditions for place here) if place.present?
klass = klass.where(conditions for category here) if category.present?
klass = klass.where(conditions for date here) if date.present?


This is using rails 3. But you can still use this for rails 2.3 (i’m
sure what version they introduced this),
you just have to change the where calls to scoped

On Tue, Dec 4, 2012 at 11:46 AM, Jim Ruther N. [email protected]

!place.blank? ? conditions << [' AND category LIKE ?', "%#{place}%"] : 

conditions << []

Thanks in advance!

This is using rails 3. But you can still use this for rails 2.3 (i’m not
sure what version they introduced this),
you just have to change the where calls to scoped

the last line that calls scoped should be klass. my bad.