Crash on attempt to configure capistrano

I’m new with capistrano ant tried to configure my server usind:

cap mongrel:cluster:configure

And got this error backtrace:

method_missing': undefined methodsset’ for
#Capistrano::Configuration:0xb77f87dc (NoMethodError)
from ./config/deploy.rb:4:in load' from /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/capistrano-2.5.13/lib/capistrano/configuration/loading.rb:172:inload_from_file’

How to fix that problem?

Ok, it was a typo in my deploy.rb.

But fixing this, I run into the next trouble:

cap mongrel:cluster:configure

ends now with

the task `mongrel:cluster:configure’ does not exist

Why this?

OK, next round in this deployment nightmare:

I configured my server, as decribed in “Agile Web D. with Rails
Third Edition”:

  • installed rails etc.

  • installed & configured apache2 w/ Passenger on a virtual Ubuntu 9.10

  • created a user ‘oag’ on the server and su’ed to oag

  • created a git repository on the server and pushed my local repository

  • run
    test -e ~/.ssh/ || ssh-keygen -t dsa
    cat ~/.ssh/ >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys2
    on the server

  • run
    cap deploy:setup
    localy - OK

  • run
    cap deploy:check
    localy. Answer: You appear to have all necessary dependencies

  • run
    cap deploy:migrations
    localy. Answer:

    • executing `deploy:migrations’
    • executing `deploy:update_code’
      updating the cached checkout on all servers
      executing locally: “git ls-remote oag@oag-server:git/wvz.git master”
      oag@oag-server’s password:
    • executing “if [ -d /home/oag/oag-server/shared/cached-copy ]; then
      cd /home/oag/oag-server/shared/cached-copy && git fetch origin && git
      reset --hard aeba71d5b7ce45e24cdb2bf052260fbc235b3a66 && git clean -d
      -x -f; else git clone oag@oag-server:git/wvz.git
      /home/oag/oag-server/shared/cached-copy && cd
      /home/oag/oag-server/shared/cached-copy && git checkout -b deploy
      aeba71d5b7ce45e24cdb2bf052260fbc235b3a66; fi”
      servers: [“oag-server”]
      [oag-server] executing command
      ** [oag-server :: out] Initialized empty Git repository in
      ** [oag-server :: err] Host key verification failed.
      ** [oag-server :: err] fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
      ** [oag-server :: err] fetch-pack from ‘oag@oag-server:git/wvz.git’
      command finished
      failed: “sh -c ‘if [ -d /home/oag/oag-server/shared/cached-copy ]; then
      cd /home/oag/oag-server/shared/cached-copy && git fetch origin && git
      reset --hard aeba71d5b7ce45e24cdb2bf052260fbc235b3a66 && git clean -d
      -x -f; else git clone oag@oag-server:git/wvz.git
      /home/oag/oag-server/shared/cached-copy && cd
      /home/oag/oag-server/shared/cached-copy && git checkout -b deploy
      aeba71d5b7ce45e24cdb2bf052260fbc235b3a66; fi’” on oag-server

The desaster begins after (successfully) entering the server user’s
(oag) password the second time.

Inspecting the auth.log of the server I don’t find any notice on failed

What is the reason for this this “Host key verification failed”?
Where or how to find more information?