Couting coumn and get a specifiq record?

suppose i have a table like this

Name math English Science
Jim 90 33 33
Mike 77 40 40
Mike 80 50 90

how will i count :-

  1. how many column this table has ?
  2. what the score for Mark in English ?

any sample code or web link related to this would be greatfull.

Robert Mike wrote in post #1141101:

how will i count :-

  1. how many column this table has ?
  2. what the score for Mark in English ?

Do you have it in CSV format ?

no, its coming from sql query .

but i cant do column count from sql query.
i need to do this from my ruby script

please advise.

Robert Mike wrote in post #1141377:

no, its coming from sql query .

but i cant do column count from sql query.
i need to do this from my ruby script

please advise.

I understand. Do you saving the result of the sql query in any place ?
May be show us how are you fetching the result.