Count the Split up Tag values


I have in my database the tags for a specific entry separated by
commas and I’m using a SQL statement that pulls all the tags for a
bunch of entries and the ruby code on the page:

<%- for notes in @tags_sql do -%>
<% notes.tag.split(", ").uniq.each do |tags| %>

  • <%= link_to(tags, {:tag => tags, :controller => 'project', :action => 'tags', :id => @project_id}) %>
  • <% end %>

    It’s able to split after each ", " so I have each tags listed in the
    unordered list but I also need to have next each individual tag the
    count of how many times that tag shows up across the sql statement.

    Is there anyway to do that in my code? I know I can’t do it in my SQL
    statement because it counts the entire chunk per entry like “a, b, c,
    d” instead of a b c d - it gets broken up in that code I put above.

    Basically if its “a, c, a, d” I got it so far to be


    BUT! I need it to be

    a (2)
    c (0)
    d (0)

    Any help would be appreciated. You guys are really awesome.

    How about Note has_many :tags so that rails takes care of it all

    if you dont like that (which i strongly recommend having implemented
    your solution and replacing it with the association)

    you will need to write your own method that counts the instances of an
    object in an array. it comes by default in ruby 1.9, unfortunatley,
    rails does not work with it.

    def array_count arr, obj
    count = 0
    arr.each do |item|
    count += 1 if item == obj

    more or less this should work if you put it in your helper so that it
    doesnt clobber the controller, or even still in the model

    === note.rb

    class Note < AR::Base
    has_many :tags # this would be ideal

    def note_count tag
    count = 0
    notes.each do |note|
    count += 1 if note.tags.include?(tag)

    hope it helps

    I answer here coz i forgot your code already…

    === routes.rb

    map.resources :tags

    === controllers/tags_controller.rb

    def index
    @tags = Tag.find(:all)

    === views/tags/index.rhtml

    <%- for tag in @tags do -%>
    <%= link_to tag, :controller => ‘tags’, :action => ‘show’, :id =>
    tag %> ( <%= tag.notes.size %> )
    <% end %>

    This will display what you want
    tag1 (3)
    tag2 (0)
    tag3 (6)

    where the number is the number of notes associated with that tag.

    the link stuff ignore if you know where and what to call, but id
    suppose when you click on one of them it shows you with more depth,
    what is in the tag

    === models/tag.rb

    has_and_belongs_to_many :notes

    === models/note.rb

    has_and_belongs_to_many :tags

    === cmd

    ruby script/generate migration add_join_table

    create_table :tags_notes, :id => false do |t|
    t.integer :tag_id
    t.integer :note_id

    You really need to go through some tutorials, people are not gonna
    solve these types of issues so in depth all the time…

    but hope it helps

    I tried:

      <%- for notes in @tags_sql do -%> <% count = 0 notes.tag.split(", ").each do |tags| count += 1 if notes.tag.split(", ").include?(tags)%>
    • <%= link_to(tags, {:tag => tags, :controller => 'project', :action => 'tags', :id => @project_id}) %> <%= count%>
    • <% end %>

    But it just counts each one like. I know I’m totally doing it work.

    a 1
    b 2
    c 3

    There are lots of things that tie up a function in a rails project.
    (function being the tag functionality) the solution i gave is based on
    your note model having many tags and vice-versa. If you want to follow
    the “list in one column” approach, the solution id give you is the
    same one i posted before, because its just neater, and follows the
    rails conventions. So a couple of suggestions:

    1. Read blogs, tutorials and screen casts because these questions will
      all be answered there
    2. Follow rails conventions, this is a tough one to learn because
      there is nothing that protects you from doing things your way, the
      flipside is that when you want to use your code into some pre-
      established rails “way” it generally doesnt work and you have to spend
      time re diong what you did to fit to the rails conventions.
    3. Google before you post. Your question was something that i have
      though of doing a coupe of times and i wanted others to see why is it
      not a good idea and how it could be done neatly, in general nobody
      will answer these

    good luck


    uuu. one more thing.

    never ever ever put login in your views.

    if you want to do

    count = 0
    notes.tag.split(", “).each do |tags|
    count += 1 if notes.tag.split(”, ").include?(tags)

    business, do it in the controller, and pass to the views a variable
    like @tag_names. (something in the lines of @tags = {:a => 2, :b =>


    I appreciate your help. I was able to find a solution to my problem
    through my own means, but thank you for trying.

    I do read a lot of tutorials and blogs, and the ones I found didn’t
    help with my particular problem because of the way I had been working
    already. This is my first Ruby on Rails project, naturally you can
    imagine it won’t be as perfect as it should be, but I am trying my
    best and the project is moving forward.

    At any rate I was able to solve my problem on my own - thanks anyway!
